UTF-X, Unit Testing Framework - Xslt

Uses of Class

Packages that use ResultPrinterFactory

Uses of ResultPrinterFactory in utfx.printers

Methods in utfx.printers that return ResultPrinterFactory
static ResultPrinterFactory ResultPrinterFactory.newInstance()
          This method creates and returns a new instance of result printer factory.

Uses of ResultPrinterFactory in utfx.runner

Fields in utfx.runner declared as ResultPrinterFactory
(package private)  ResultPrinterFactory TestRunner.rpf
          result printer factory

Methods in utfx.runner with parameters of type ResultPrinterFactory
 junit.framework.TestResult TestRunner.doRun(junit.framework.Test suite, ResultPrinterFactory rpf)
          This is where we run the tests.
static junit.framework.TestResult TestRunner.run(junit.framework.Test test, ResultPrinterFactory rpf)
          Runs a single test and collects its results.

UTF-X, Unit Testing Framework - Xslt