Class Summary |
BadTDFTestCase |
This test case represents a bad Test Definition File (TDF). |
BadXSLTTestCase |
This test case represents a bad XSLT stylesheet that is being tested. |
ConfigurationManager |
UTF-X framework configuration manager. |
DefaultSourceParser |
Default implementation of the SourceParser interface. |
SourceParserFactory |
This class uses reflection to load a Source Parser class. |
SourceParserWrapper |
This special source builder is used for wrapping source builders that do not
implement the SourceParser interface. |
TestFileFilter |
TestFileFilter implements and provides UTF-X with a
default rule on how to find UTF-X test definition files in a given directory. |
TestFileSuiteAssembler |
Builds XSLTTestFileSuite from an XML test definition document. |
UTFXNamespaceContext |
Handles namespace context for the UTF-X framework. |
UTFXTestCase |
UTF-X test case extends junit test case and adds functionality required for
testing XSLT stylesheets and the UTF-X framework itself. |
WrapperStylesheetGenerator |
Generates the wrapper XSLT stylesheets for executing the tests |
XMLValidationTestCase |
Validation Test Case. |
XSLTRegressionTest |
This class represents a root of the XSLT test suites. |
XSLTTestDirectorySuite |
Suite of tests for XSLT stylesheets. |
XSLTTestFileSuite |
Suite of tests for XSLT stylesheets. |
XSLTTransformTestCase |
JUnit extension for testing XSLT stylesheets. |