UTF-X, Unit Testing Framework - Xslt

Package utfx.framework

Interface Summary
SourceParser SourceParser interface.

Class Summary
BadTDFTestCase This test case represents a bad Test Definition File (TDF).
BadXSLTTestCase This test case represents a bad XSLT stylesheet that is being tested.
ConfigurationManager UTF-X framework configuration manager.
DefaultSourceParser Default implementation of the SourceParser interface.
SourceParserFactory This class uses reflection to load a Source Parser class.
SourceParserWrapper This special source builder is used for wrapping source builders that do not implement the SourceParser interface.
TestFileFilter TestFileFilter implements java.io.FilenameFilter and provides UTF-X with a default rule on how to find UTF-X test definition files in a given directory.
TestFileSuiteAssembler Builds XSLTTestFileSuite from an XML test definition document.
UTFXNamespaceContext Handles namespace context for the UTF-X framework.
UTFXTestCase UTF-X test case extends junit test case and adds functionality required for testing XSLT stylesheets and the UTF-X framework itself.
WrapperStylesheetGenerator Generates the wrapper XSLT stylesheets for executing the tests
XMLValidationTestCase Validation Test Case.
XSLTRegressionTest This class represents a root of the XSLT test suites.
XSLTTestDirectorySuite Suite of tests for XSLT stylesheets.
XSLTTestFileSuite Suite of tests for XSLT stylesheets.
XSLTTransformTestCase JUnit extension for testing XSLT stylesheets.

Exception Summary
MalformedStylesheetException This exception is thrown when a XSLT stylesheet that is being tested is invalid.
MalformedTestException Represents broken UTF-X test.

Error Summary
StringComparisonFailure String comparison failure.
XMLValidationError TODO class description.

UTF-X, Unit Testing Framework - Xslt