Unit Testing Framework - XSLT
Alex Daniel When Alex started to use UTF-X in June 2006 he realized that several essential features were missing. With the support from Qpass - Amdocs Digital Commerce Division Alex implemented named template and stylesheet parameters and the support for absolute XPath expressions.
Mikael Petterson Mikael lives in Stockholm, Sweden. He works as a developer for a large telecommuncations firm Eircsson. He has recenlty been working with Java, ant, XML and Eclipse. Mikael has written a Java code generator that generates source code using XSLT stylesheets. Large amount of XSLT caused him to searched for a way to test the code when he ran into UTF-X. He has worked on build.xml and the history sample.
Richard Barrett Richard presently works for an online training company as their lead designer and he also designs & develops interactive learning material. He has worked in the process industry cutting code for pharmaceutical applications as well as being a consultant network support specialist. He moved to Australia in 2003 and has no inclination to return to UK anytime soon.
Jacek Radajewski Jacek (Yatsek) works for the Queensland Government as a Technical Architect and developes Web Services interoperability standards, profiles and testing suites. Jacek's technical background is in Unix, distributed systems, XML, Java and J2EE. Jacek started the UTF-X project in December 2003 in order to test XSLT stylesheets used in XML publishing systems he developed for the University of Southern Queensland.
Various people have contributed to UTF-X over the years. Special thanks to Oliver Lucido for some of the early work. Other contributors are: Sally MacFarlane, Oliver Hunger, Sridhanya Ganapathi, Peter Sefton, Stephano Ah-Fock and Chris Mills.

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